That’ll Leave a Mark
by Marvin Bublitz “That’ll leave a mark.” That’s a phrase I often heard on the farm or working in the machine shop. Someone would drop something on their foot, bump their head on a low beam, or strike the wrong nail with the hammer—and then…
Circuit gathers for presentation on the impact of media
GRIMSBY, Ont. – What started as an idea in November at the joint Hamilton-Niagara Winkel quickly came together as a lively event at the beginning of January. With Rev. Ted Giese of Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Regina, Saskatchewan, scheduled to teach a short-term class…
Mt. Calvary in Swift Current celebrates 95th anniversary
SWIFT CURRENT, Sask. – On November 3, 2024, Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church celebrated their 95th anniversary. A display of past photos portrayed a visit down memory lane, and Rev. Travis Heide and his father Rev. Randy Heide presented the service. Rev. Travis Heide gave a…
2026 Convention Updates
CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC)’s 13th Regular Convention will be held at the Victoria Inn Hotel and Convention Centre in Winnipeg from June 12-15, 2026, gathering under the theme “Together One: One Lord, One Faith, One Body” with its theme verse being Ephesians 4:4-6. The…
With the Wisemen Let Us Go and Do Likewise
by Timothy Teuscher “And going into the house, they saw the Child with Mary His mother, and they fell down and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered Him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh” (Matthew 2:11). The season of Epiphany, which recently ended,…
Dual parish celebrates 40th anniversary
GRANDVIEW, Man. – Recently a combined celebration church service and luncheon at Hope Lutheran Church celebrated the 40th anniversary of the formation of the dual parish of Hope and Holy Trinity Lutheran in Inglis. Pictured cutting the cake are Rev. Tim and Kristin Schneider.