150th anniversary in Kurtzville

MP John Nater; Mayor of North Perth, Todd Kasenberg; Crucifer Thomas Taplay; LCC President Timothy Teuscher; Trinity’s pastor, Rev. Kurt Reinhardt; and MPP Matthew Rae. Photo: Kathleen Bulmer.
KURTZVILLE, Ont. – Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is celebrating 150 years of God’s blessings. Generous fundraising allowed the committee to host a roast pig dinner for all those who attended the Anniversary Vespers and Cemetery Memorial Services on May 26, 2024. Local dignitaries were also in attendance, as was Lutheran Church–Canada President Timothy Teuscher, who preached at the service.
Events leading up to this year’s celebrations included Muffin Sundays and Soup & Sundaes Sundays. Trinity Trivia games created some head-scratching moments and lots of laughter. The dessert auctions at these events were certainly a sweet treat.
The Gowns & Tea Events in 2023 and 2024 expanded into the community, featuring lovely historic displays of current and past members’ wedding gowns, baptismal gowns, and special items from those events. High Tea was served on the best china and silver while guests reminisced about styles and times gone by.
A 2024 keepsake calendar was created from photos throughout the years, and special dates for the church were included, and a 150th history book was compiled.

Gown and tea display. Photo: Tabetha Peel.
A chili cook-off was planned for January, and although the biggest snowstorm of the year closed the roads, everything was just as tasty the next day. Still to come is an All Saints Social, where a very German dinner and some fun entertainment will be enjoyed by many.
Throughout the years, God’s faithfulness to His Church has given the congregation much to be thankful for; celebrating the 150th anniversary reminds them of all the time, talents, and gifts that have been bestowed by our Heavenly Father. Congregation members says it was a joy to see so many generations come together in worship; to welcome former members who have moved away; and to know that the congregation is part of a true family, as children of God.