2012 missions in retrospect.
by Leonardo Neitzel
As we begin a New Year through the grace of God, we cannot help but raise our voices in gratitude for the blessings He has shared with His Church in 2012. Like God’s people in the Old Testament, we acknowledge, “The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy” (Psalm 126:3).
South East Asia

TCLC deaconess teaching children.
In South East Asia, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) has been given the privilege and opportunity to work in fellowship with partner churches in Thailand (Thailand Concordia Lutheran Church –TCLC) and in Cambodia (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cambodia – ELCC). Over the past year, LCC supported the mission of these two churches through:
- Leadership training: LCC financed the past year’s courses at the Lutheran Institute South East Asia (LISA), where 39 students are currently training in pastoral and diaconal ministry. Provisions are being made to have a TCLC pastor come to study at one of our Canadian seminaries in the near future. This student would return to Thailand and be able to assist in theological training in that country. LISA’s vision is for more local leaders to become instructors in the LISA program so that it can provide for and foster the indigenous Lutheran missionary leadership.
- Missions in the Southern Province of Thailand: Since this region was devastated by the 2004 Tsunami, LCC has supported a missionary and his mission in Phang-nga Province. Missionary Suchat Chujit has several mission and preaching stations in the regions of Takuapa and Khok Kloi. Together with his wife they lead a strong outreach program to children and families.
- Women evangelists: In Cambodia, LCC has supported the evangelism work of ten female graduates of the LISA Institute. They provide tremendous support for the work of pastors and missionaries in both Thailand and Cambodia, since these evangelists introduce Bible stories and the Small Catechism to children and their families. Their work opens doors for future pastoral visits.
- Relief work: People suffered a great deal over the past two years, especially in Cambodia, due to severe weather conditions, first with flooding and more recently drought. Through LCC’s emergency relief, the Lord provided people with food and transportation during the flooding, and seeds for farmers after they lost their harvests in the drought.

SELCU summer camp team trains at the seminary in Odessa.
In Ukraine, LCC has supported the Independent Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Ukraine (SELCU), with particular emphasis in the following areas:
- Missions in Dnipropetrovsk: The Lutheran presence is strong in this city of 1.5 million thanks to the efforts of LCC missionary Rev. Alexey Navrotsky, his congregation, and mission leaders.
- Television ministry: Rev. Navrotsky leads this 30 minute evangelistic program through the Alpha and Omega Organization. It airs monthly with an audience of around 350 thousand people.
- Theological education: Six students are studying at the Seminary in Odessa. They are in their vicarage year in 2013 and will soon graduate and be ordained as pastors and missionaries of SELCU.
- Summer Bible Camps and VBSs: These yearly programs have a large receptivity and provide opportunity for Gospel proclamation to non-Christians.
- Humanitarian initiatives: In partnership with SELCU, LCC supported a number of humanitarian projects throughout the past year, including orphanages, prison ministry, a sanatorium, and hospital chaplaincy.
Central America

ILSN pastor and wife study at church worker’s retreat.
In Central America, by God’s grace, LCC has developed several missionary, educational, and humanitarian initiatives:
- Children’s Education: LCC is supporting children’s education (especially in Nicaragua) through full-year programs, tutoring students in their school studies while also teaching them about Christ and His love—work accomplished through the mentorship of pastors and deaconesses.
- VBS: All congregations in Nicaragua as well as in Costa Rica and Honduras are greatly involved in this means of community outreach with the Gospel, which take place during school vacations (January-March). This ministry reaches about 3,000 children and their families with the blessing of the Gospel.
- Continuing Education: LCC supports a program ensuring all church workers in Nicaragua—pastors and deaconesses—continue to have educational opportunities (including seminars and church worker retreats) to grow deeper in their own faith and learn how to strengthen their ministry.
- General Missions: LCC continues to work in close relationship with the Iglesia Luterana Sinodo de Nicaragua (ILSN) in supporting missions and theological education in their country.
By God’s grace we enter this New Year, praying that the Lord would continue using us as His instruments for the salvation of many. We pray that He will continue encouraging the congregations, pastors, and laypeople of LCC in the Word of God, in faithfulness to the fellowship of believers, and in the confession of the Lord Jesus Christ. We pray also that Gospel proclamation would be at the centre of the daily thoughts and actions of all synod’s members, congregations, and organizations. May the Holy Spirit raise, train, and encourage us all to lift high the banner of the Gospel of Jesus Christ here in our nation and around the world—that the Holy Spirit would make working in the Lord’s Kingdom a priority in our lives, “for there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance” (Luke 15:7).
Rev. Dr. Leonardo Neitzel is Lutheran Church–Canada’s Executive for Missions and Social Ministry.