2025 NYG committee announces theme, dates

Members of the 2025 NYG committee at their November 2023 online meeting (not pictured: Rev. Paul Roggow, chaplain). Left to right, top to bottom: Nathan Vaughan, Michelle Heumann, Tony Marchand, Dcn. Amanda Hastings, Gail Haeussler (registrar), Pastor Eric Moffett (co-chair), Rhonda Kelman, Pastor Glenn Worcester (co-chair), and Kayla Moffett.
CANADA – Plans for Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) thirteenth National Youth Gathering (NYG) were first shared in December through a series of social media announcements that revealed the dates, location, registration fees, and the theme. The NYG will be held July 4-8, 2025, in Waterloo, Ontario, and the registration fee will be $525 per person for youth and leaders, and $300 for volunteers.
The gathering will be called “UNBREAKABLE,” based on Ephesians 6:10-18, and the theme verse is: “Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil” (Ephesians 6:11). The committee hope that the youth who attend will learn that the full armour of God makes them unbreakable in the face of worldly things that could make them feel breakable, and the sessions will show that God does not use perfect people who are unbroken, but that he takes very broken people and makes them unbreakable.
The first LCC NYG was held in 1989 in Thunder Bay, Ontario, and the most recent one was held in 2022 in Winnipeg. They are generally held every three years in different locations across the three regions of LCC. The NYG has previously been held in Waterloo once before in 1998, under the theme: “Yörkin Börkin Tü: Undivided Hearts.” The 2022 NYG was called “IN NOT OF,” and the livestreams of the main sessions are available on the NYG’s YouTube channel.
The 2025 committee includes six laypeople, a deacon, and three pastors, who represent provinces from B.C. to Ontario, and who have a wealth of experience with youth ministry in general and with youth gatherings in particular.
The NYG’s mission statement is: “Providing opportunities for Lutheran youth to grow in faith and relationship with others as the body of Christ.”
Follow the NYG on Facebook or Instagram or watch the InfoDigest for more news about the 2025 NYG as plans develop.
The 2025 NYG committee