Western Region Mission and Ministry Council Inaugural Meeting

RMMC Members: Pr. Ron Abresch, Sonja Bland, Pr. David Bode, Pr. Rod Buck, Pr. Fraser Coltman, Stephen Glanfield, Deanna Friesen, Pr. Laverne Hautz, Pr. Mark Hennig, Michelle Heumann, Pr. Russ Howard, Pr. Andy Kahle (not pictured), Betty Marzke, David Mitchell, Pr. Rob Mohns (acting chair), Tiffany Player, Pr. Michael Schutz (secretary), Rick Slater, Pr. Alan Visser, Charles Von Hahn, Dieter Witzke, Pr. Ken Eifert (not pictured)

CALGARY – On Friday and Saturday, January 18th and 19th the inaugural meeting of the Western Regional Mission and Ministry Council (RMMC) took place at Foothills Lutheran Church, Calgary Alberta. The council members enjoyed the hospitality of Pastor David Bode, Deacon Miriam Winstanley and a host of hard-working congregational members who provided transportation, billeting, and meals.

The Council is a newly created organization of Lutheran Church Canada which consists of the regionally elected Circuit Counsellors and Circuit Lay leaders. The primary work of this council, as described in the LCC Handbook, is to assist the Regional Pastor in delivering Synodical services to the congregations of the region. The inaugural meeting began with Divine Worship led by Pastor David Bode, preacher Regional Pastor Robert Mohns and organist Deacon Miriam Winstanley. Twenty-one of the possible twenty-four council members representing the voices of every geographic area of the Western Region of Lutheran Church Canada were able to take part in this inaugural meeting. Council members reviewed their position description. They identified areas of work and organized themselves into seven smaller work groups: 1. Mission and Ministry Assistance (includes RMMC Budgeting) 2. Congregational Services 3. Social Ministry 4. Church Worker Development 5. Communication and Convocations 6. Schools 7. Youth and Young Adults.

The new structure of LCC is dependent upon congregations and circuits working together in a close collaborative relationship. The initial focus for the work groups is to identify both the needs and resources that are available in the Western Regional congregations and circuits. Congregations and Circuits are encouraged to communicate to the RMMC the resources and people currently involved in their mission and ministry projects and their needs going forward. Congregational leaders are asked to share that information within their Circuits and with their Circuit Lay leader and Circuit Counsellor. The work groups will also identify additional skills sets and people needed to come alongside the council to help accomplish their work.

On Saturday, the RMMC welcomed Dr. James Gimbel, President of Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Edmonton who led two introductory leadership training sessions for the council members.

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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: May 1, 2019
Posted In: Feature Stories, Headline, National News, West Region News,