LCC issues new Compensation Guidelines for 2020

WINNIPEG – The Board of Directors of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) met by conference call on October 10, during which time it approved new Compensation Guidelines for 2020.

The new guidelines represent the first Synod-wide compensation guidelines for Lutheran Church–Canada. While the guidelines are advisory in nature, not laws, LCC hopes they will help congregations throughout the country set appropriate compensation levels for church workers. Congregations and church workers are encouraged to work collaboratively in Christian love to determine compensation.

Download LCC’s 2020 Compensation Guidelines here.

The new guidelines come as the culmination of a significant amount of research and work by the Personnel Committee. Among other sources, the 2020 Compensation Guidelines draw on earlier guidelines by the former Districts. The document also draws on the suggestions of a focus group of pastors and laypeople which met in September and provided valuable input to the committee.

The Personnel Committee is committed to continue working on the guidelines to implement further improvements in future years. Comments and suggestions from congregations are welcome.


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: October 15, 2019
Posted In: Headline, National News,