“Sanctity of Life Sunday” coming up on January 19, 2020

January 19, 2020 is Sanctity of Life Sunday (also known as Life Sunday)

Every year, on the second Sunday following Epiphany, Lutheran Church–Canada congregations prayerfully remember the many life issues that are so prevalent today, like abortion and euthanasia. Here are some suggested prayers that you may choose to use within your congregation:

Lord Jesus Christ, who by Your Incarnation revealed the sanctity of life from the womb to the tomb, grant Your protection to all children in the womb and to all vulnerable people tempted by, or in danger of, euthanasia; for those who have taken the life of an unborn child or sick or dying child or adult, send Your Holy Spirit to bring them to repentance through the Law and saving faith and forgiveness of all their sins through the Gospel; grant all ministers of Your church wisdom and compassion to care, in love, for those struggling with life issues and integrity to all who govern that they may enact laws to protect rather than kill, for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
By Your Incarnation, Lord Jesus Christ, You revealed the sanctity of life from the womb to the tomb.  Grant, we pray, Your protection to all children in the womb and to all vulnerable people tempted by, or in danger of, euthanasia.  For those who have taken the life of an unborn child or sick or dying child or adult, by the preaching of Your bring them to repentance through the Law and saving faith and forgiveness of all their sins through the Gospel.  Grant to all ministers of Your church wisdom and compassion to care in love for those struggling with life issues and to all servants of earthly governments, integrity and guidance, to enact and uphold laws to protect rather than kill. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
That all children in the womb and all vulnerable people tempted by, or in danger of, euthanasia, would be protected; that those who have taken the life of an unborn child or of a sick or dying child or adult, would come to know their guilt by the Law, but then the gracious forgiveness won for all sins by Christ on Calvary; that all ministers of the Church be granted wisdom and compassion to lovingly care for those struggling with life issues; that all servants of earthly governments enact and uphold laws to protect rather than kill, let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.

An additional reminder to Canadian Lutherans, as Life Sunday draws near:

The Department of Justice for the federal government has launched a survey on Tuesday (January 14, 2020) on changing the safeguards and requirements for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) in keeping with a decision by a Quebec Superior Court Justice. Here is an opportunity for members of LCC congregations to voice what we believe from the teachings of Holy Scripture on the sanctity of life; and express our concerns against any lessening of the safeguards around MAID. The survey is in three sections. The first two sections in the format of yes or no questions and multiple choice, with a brief space for comments; and the third section provides further opportunity for comments. You can find more about this story from The Canadian Lutheran, Here.

The deadline for survey submissions is Monday, January 27, 2020. The survey is located at https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cons/ad-am/index.html

Lutherans for Life–Canada has as its task the education of everyone, especially Lutherans, on the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. We encourage everyone to learn more about euthanasia and what God says concerning various life issues from our newsletters posted at http://lutheransforlife-canada.ca/. Issue specific information can be most readily obtained from our sister organization in the U.S.A. at https://www.lutheransforlife.org/

Rev. Richard Juritsch, President of Lutherans for Life–Canada

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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: January 17, 2020
Posted In: General, Headline, National News,