Feeding program in Nicaragua continues service amid pandemic

“Whoever has a good eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor.” Proverbs 22:9

NICARAGUA – As a result of the pandemic, the Church in Nicaragua has taken precautionary measures to keep their members and communities as safe as possible. Even before the government issued any statements or mandates, the leaders of the Church began to encourage social distancing, suspending normal Church activities and projects, while also looking for ways for pastors and deaconesses to stay connected with the members of the Church. Although large Church gatherings have been put on hold for the time being, pastors are finding ways to continue to provide for the spiritual needs of their people by ministering the Means of Grace to small numbers of people at a time, providing Services and messages online, as well as sharing printed sermons and devotions.

Although the Children’s Education Program and many other activities have been suspended, the deaconesses and their assistants continue to provide for their communities through the Children’s Feeding Program. The communities where we have the Feeding Program are some of the poorest in the country, and the 3 or 4 meals a week that are offered may be the only source of a nutritious meal that many of the children in these communities will receive during the week. Because of the vital nature of this service and how essential these meals are to the children of their communities, the deaconesses and numerous volunteers that make this program possible have taken measures to ensure that this program can continue to operate safely.

Their faith has opened their eyes to the needs of the people and has inspired and led them to find ways to address those needs, even in the face of a daunting pandemic. As a result, countless families have been and continue to be blessed.

Although the children are no longer able to gather together in the church halls for a meal, the meals are instead prepared by a couple of volunteers, boxed up and placed in a designated area where one family at a time can pick them up.

Proverbs 13:21 reminds us, “blessed is he who is generous to the poor.” We see how blessed our deaconesses in Nicaragua are in their dedication and service to the poor in their communities. Their faith has opened their eyes to the needs of the people and has inspired and led them to find ways to address those needs, even in the face of a daunting pandemic. As a result, countless families have been and continue to be blessed. We give thanks to God for these blessings and for the faithful service of our sisters in the faith, and as members of Lutheran Church–Canada we can also give thanks to God for allowing us to be a part of this program.  Thanks to the generous gifts of our members and partner societies and organizations we have been able to fund this vital and blessed program for many years.

May our gracious Lord lead us to continue to share our blessings with those in need, and to shine the Light of Christ before others, so that they may see these good works and give glory our heavenly Father.


The Children’s Feeding Program provides several meals each week to over 700 children throughout Nicaragua, in some of the poorest communities in the country. For many of these children, it is their only source for a nutritious meal. LCC Missions is grateful for the generous donations that make this feeding program possible. Donations can be made out to Lutheran Church–Canada and designated to the Children’s Feeding Program.

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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: May 4, 2020
Posted In: Headline, Mission News,