“Rejoice in Hope”: Central District LWMLC holds webinar

ONLINE – The Central District of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League-Canada held a webinar on June 27, 2020, with 52 attendees. The theme was based on Romans 12:12— “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”

As church services, meetings, and group gatherings were cancelled and new ways of meeting had to be found, the word “webinar” became a household name over the last few months. The Central District decided to try one as a way to reach out to the Zones and Societies.

The event began with an opening prayer by District Pastoral Counsellor Rev. Robert Grout. The guest pastor, Rev. Ken Maher, graciously agreed to come back virtually to his old stomping grounds in the Central District to lead Bible Study. He currently serves Christ Our Hope Lutheran Church in Collingwood, Ontario, but the LWMLC Central District was privileged to know him when he served at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, prior to his current call. Rev. Maher led a fantastic Bible study based on the theme verse.

Following the Bible study, the group heard from Alex Steinke, Lutheran Church–Canada’s Communications Director, about the many ways Synod office is communicating with pastors and congregations throughout Canada.

The event wrapped up with an update from each of the four District Vice Presidents on the work they’ve been doing over the last several months.

Overall, it was a great morning, filled with inspiration and information. The LWMLC appreciates all those who participated, both presenters and attendees.

Pam Burns


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: August 27, 2020
Posted In: Central Region News, Headline,