LCC releases Six Month Financial Report for 2020

CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) Administrator, Dwayne Cleave, has prepared a Six Month Financial Report for 2020 which was included in the November/December Issue of The Canadian Lutheran magazine. An extended version of the report is now also available as a printable PDF Here and can be accessed directly under the “News” tab of LCC’s website.



Committed to a common confession and mission, congregations of LCC join with one another as a Synod to share an ecclesiastical bond and to support and work with one another. In this way, we seek to serve our Lord Jesus Christ, the members of His body, and the world which stands in need of the Word and the impact of His redeeming love.

Our work together as a Synod can only be accomplished with the generous financial support of our members. Through your tithes and offerings, a portion of all gifts laid upon the altar of local congregations is remitted to LCC. In total, these gifts make up almost 68% of LCC’s overall revenue and are critical for funding the work we do together, such as:

  • Sustaining and revitalizing our congregations.
  • Supporting our mission work in Canada through outreach and works of mercy.
  • Supporting our mission work internationally through theological training, social ministry, and education.
  • Supporting theological education in our seminaries to train our future pastors and church workers.
  • Providing ecclesiastical leadership and pastoral care.
  • Building community by collaborating with synodical members and partners.

We give thanks to God for the generous mission remittances already received from many of our congregations. More details on this can be found in the report.


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: December 16, 2020
Posted In: Headline, National News,