The Canadian Lutheran’s Most Popular Articles of 2020


ONLINE – As we transition into 2021, The Canadian Lutheran is looking back at some of the most popular articles published online over the past year.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the most well-read articles online were those dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. A letter from Lutheran Church–Canada President Timothy Teuscher early on in the pandemic was the most well-read article published in 2020, followed closely by a March story which introduced new resources for home devotions and recommended LCC congregations temporarily suspend public services. Subsequent stories providing guidance on offering the Lord’s Supper during COVID-19, as well as highlighting how LCC congregations were reaching out online during the unprecedented situation were also highly viewed.

The most popular non-COVID feature from 2020 was Dr. Leah Koetting Block’s “Misguided Mercy,” which discussed current Canadian legislation on end of life issues from a Lutheran perspective. Additional news stories on the evolving legal situation of physician assisted suicide and euthanasia—for example, on LCC joining other faith groups in opposing Bill C-7—also received strong readership throughout 2020.

This past year also saw renewed attention to the issue of racism in Western society. Accordingly, a statement from Lutheran Church–Canada on racism was well-read, as was a related feature by Rev. Dr. John Arthur Nunes entitled “Who is My Neighbour?”

Another popular article in 2020 included Mathew Block’s Reformation-focused feature, “The Enduring Word: Lutherans and Bible Translation.” A feature by Jeffrey A.L. Kriwetz highlighting an ongoing legal challenge to religious autonomy in Canada was also very popular.

Finally, news stories that received wide-reading included stories on the conversion of a popular Christian rapper to Lutheranism as well as a tragic fire that devastated a Lutheran church in Valleyview, Alberta.

Those wishing to leaf through past issues of The Canadian Lutheran to find these and other hidden gems can do so on



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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: January 4, 2021
Posted In: Headline, National News,