Lutheran Church–Canada’s Free Stock Photo Catalogue is here!

LCC Stock Photo, courtesy of Anna Kraemer

ONLINE – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC)’s Stock Photo Catalogue is finally here, and available for free to churches, schools, and non-profits! It is our hope that this tool will make it easier for members and related organizations to manage their communications, through both print and digital means. Those looking to view and download the stock photos are encouraged to email Alex Steinke, LCC Communications, for the Dropbox Link.

LCC Stock Photo, courtesy of Anna Kraeme

Over the course of the pandemic, many LCC pastors and lay leaders have been in dialogue with the communications team to discuss and implement strategies for their congregations—while also providing valuable insight into the kinds of tools that might be useful to our Synodical family in navigating these new means of communication.

One lay leader, who was working on developing a congregational website, inquired about stock images for powerpoint slides and the like, and whether a sort of library could be made for congregations to use. Frustration surrounding the sourcing of stock photos is not uncommon for our smaller congregations who do not have the funds to purchase licenses to use high quality images, nor the staff to navigate copyright claims. Equally, if not more, frustrating is the challenge of finding visuals that incorporated Confessional Lutheran imagery and content!

Work began on LCC’s Stock Photo Catalogue when Anna Kraemer joined our Communications Department as an intern this past summer. Anna is a graphic designer and photographer from Edmonton, as well as a student in the Bachelor of Design program at MacEwan University. One of her projects for the summer was developing and categorizing stock photos that captured liturgical imagery and meaningful, Christ-focused content.

The release of LCC Stock Photos was officially announced in LCC’s weekly e-newsletter yesterday, and many have already received access to the catalogue. We have also already been contacted by more than one LCC member looking to contribute their own photos for others to use.

All of the information you need to get started with LCC Stock Photos can be found on our website at:

Learn more about LCC Stock Photos Here


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: September 24, 2021
Posted In: Headline, National News,