LCC Purpose & Priority Planning Process Update

CANADA  – In the last issue of The Canadian Lutheran, we highlighted the Purpose & Priorities Planning Process. To recap, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is working on creating a shared vision of the future for our Synod through the involvement of many voices. Our aim is to:

• Clarify our mission and priorities;

• Define measurable outcomes and accountability standards;

• Guide resource allocation and funding priorities;

• Enhance communications and transparency;

• Position LCC for mission expansion and congregational vitality.

Although we were able to accomplish all the initial information gathering tasks through online engagement, we decided to postpone our in-person Planning Retreat from February to April 2022. This as a result of the uncertainty of coming together due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions and challenges. However, the planning committee (6 pastors, 12-15 laity) and the LCC Board of Directors held a committee orientation session on February 12, 2022 to prepare them for their collective work ahead in the coming months.

Since the postponed Planning Retreat shortens the timeframe available to create the Mission and Ministry Plan prior to the LCC Syndical Convention, we will be presenting a higher-level plan at that time. After the convention, we will develop the detailed action steps with Ministry Action Teams.

We ask that you continue to keep the committee, LCC leadership, and this process in your prayers. For further information or if you have questions, comments, or input, please contact David Friesen, LCC Director of Advancement, at:


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: February 23, 2022
Posted In: Headline, National News,