Busy first quarter of 2022 for the NYG team
NATIONAL – As the National Youth Gathering this summer draws closer, the NYG team gets busier; they started off 2022 with three virtual events for leaders and youth, and were also able to have an in-person committee meeting in Winnipeg.
On January 15, the NYG hosted the third of four round tables for youth leaders; West Regional Pastor Rev. Robert Mohns led a Bible study on “Mind Matters,” with time for group discussion. “Mental disorder is part of the chaos of broken people living in a broken world,” Rev. Mohns said, and the leaders discussed a Biblical understanding of mental health and mental resilience, and how God is both the author and preserver of mental wellness. Caring for young people and their mental health involves being empathetic, compassionate, and present. The NYG team is thankful for Rev. Mohns’ leadership in this important topic.
The NYG committee has been meeting regularly on Zoom over the last two years, but on February 11 and 12, they were able to meet in person in Winnipeg for the first time since November 2019. It was a very cold weekend (-27 on Saturday!), but they visited the Assiniboine Zoo to plan a scavenger hunt, and had a lot of very productive meeting time. A highlight of the weekend was receiving a grant for the NYG from the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League – Canada; they have been very supportive of the NYG for years, and the committee is thankful for their gifts. The committee is also very thankful for the Synod office staff and their help hosting the meeting (and printing things!).
On March 4, the committee, with help from former committee member Deacon Amanda Hastings, hosted the first-ever virtual pre-gathering gathering, “LCC Youth Assemble.” Several churches that are planning to attend the NYG gathered on Zoom for a devotion and games, and a chance to meet each other before getting to Winnipeg. It was a great opportunity to build some community, and if there is interest and if time allows, the team hopes to hold another one later in the spring.
Another youth ministry round table was held on March 19, with a discussion led by Deacons Michael Gillingham and Miriam Winstanley on responding faithfully and in love to questions around gender and identity. This short time together only scratched the surface of this important topic, but a resources list was provided and there was good, supportive conversation about law and gospel and their importance in youth ministry.
There will be one more event for youth leaders this spring; on Saturday, June 4, the NYG will be offering a Zoom meeting to all of the 7+1 leaders who are registered to attend the gathering. This will give them an opportunity to receive information and ask questions ahead of time, and will be another first-ever event for the NYG!
The NYG registration deadline is April 29, and the committee is looking forward to seeing youth and leaders from across LCC in Winnipeg on July 15.
Submitted by the NYG Committee
Have you registered for Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC)’s National Youth Gathering yet? Register by April 29, 2022 at lccnyg.ca/registration