Young adults’ retreat

WINKLER, Man. – On Pentecost weekend, June 3-5, 2022, the young adults group at Trinity Lutheran Church in Winkler held a retreat on the theme “It’s Biblical?!”, exploring and discussing right and wrong ways to understand and use the Scriptures, especially focusing on dealing with memes and bad internet theology. As part of the weekend, the group watched the movie Les Miserables, went to an escape room, had lots of food, played some games, and genuinely enjoyed time together in Christ.

Young adults from the Manitoba area are invited to join the next gathering in the spring of 2023, Lord willing! Watch Lutheran Church–Canada’s InfoDigest for news when the dates are announced!


Submitted by Rev. Alex Klages

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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: September 7, 2022
Posted In: Central Region News, Headline,