50th ordination anniversary for Rev. Ziprick

SHERWOOD PARK, Alta. – March 10, 2024 marked the 50th anniversary since Rev. Dr. Marvin Ziprick’s ordination service at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Inglis, Manitoba.

Rev. Ziprick thanks God for the honour to have served in the communities of rural Waverly, Iowa (at St. Paul’s Lutheran and Trinity Lutheran, March 1974-August 1977); in Lake Charles, Louisiana (at St. John Lutheran, September 1977-April 1987); and in Sherwood Park/Edmonton, Alberta (at Bethel Lutheran, May 1987-present).

“It is a privilege to serve with God’s people in mission and ministry, sharing the love of Jesus with a hurting world,” Rev. Ziprick says. “It has been awe-inspiring to see God’s grace and mercy working through Jesus: healing and freeing, restoring relationships and encouraging, changing hearts and drawing people to Himself. It has been a joy to serve alongside a team of dedicated servants, lay and professional, who all have the goal of glorifying God while sharing the good news of Jesus.”

It is with gratitude and in humility that Rev. Ziprick prays with David, “Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my family, that You have brought me this far?” (2 Samuel 7:18). 

Rev. Dr. Marvin L. Ziprick


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: May 21, 2024
Posted In: General, Headline, West Region News,