25th ordination anniversary for Rev. Gerson L. Flor

CASTEAU, Belgium – On March 21, 1999, before the altar of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Community in Vila Progresso, Brazil, Rev. Gerson L. Flor was ordained into the Holy Ministry. Twenty-five years have passed and almost half of his life now has been spent as an ordained servant of Christ. 

Writing from his posting in Belgium, where he is serving as a military chaplain, Rev. Flor reflects: “The Holy Ministry has taught me to be a humble servant, for that is the mind of Jesus (Matthew 11:29; Philippians 2:5-8). In this office I learned day by day that we make plans, but God directs our journey often in ways we would never envision. I learn still that any changes that I, the Church, and the world need can only be accomplished by the power and blessing of God which comes to us through the preaching of Christ and His benefits, offered to the world in the means of grace. And I learn that, while I fail often and miserably, God surrounds me with His grace and pardon, and strengthens me through His means of grace and the encouragement of Christian brothers and sisters who journey with me in the same barren land, toward the same eternal goal, united in the same faith, hope, and love.” 

Rev. Flor also writes: “The main change the Holy Spirit works in His ministers is a move from ‘I got this, I can do this,’ to ‘Lord, I am undone! Come to my aid!’ It has been a source of great comfort and joy to know that God is pleased to use one of the least of His children to point to Christ, the Lamb of God, and that comforted by God’s mercy we may comfort fellow sinners so together we may be strengthened in the faith and rejoice in the love all loves excelling.”

Rev. Flohr has now served in seven different countries and five different languages, and has wept with those who weep and rejoiced with those who rejoice. He has served young and old, and preached to believers and scoffers. Many were the challenges he met as a pastor, teacher, and military chaplain, and by God’s grace, he looks back and sees many blessings God has put in place to sustain him—especially his wife Guislei, their two daughters, Gabriela and Julia, his family across the ocean, faithful friends, teachers, colleagues, God’s children who held his hands when they were weak, and good neighbours in so many postal codes. 

“God continually leads His servants to know the riches of His grace, and then share them with those for whom Christ died and rose again. For me, a quarter-century has passed. Where did that time go?” Rev. Flor concludes that he “cannot tell, but I know that my time is in God’s hands (Psalm 31:15), and there it is redeemed, sanctified, blessed. How exactly His power used my imperfect service to spread His perfect gifts, I will only know when He extends to me that final call to serve Him in the kingdom of glory. May He grant this grace to us all.”

Rev. Gerson L. Flor 


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: July 12, 2024
Posted In: East Region News, General, Headline,