“Now what?” Sabbath Conference 2024

EDMONTON – The Sabbath Conference is an annual event that serves an important role in connecting non-pastoral church workers and volunteers across Canada in a way that is tailored specifically to their unique calling. 

From May 7-9, 2024, the attendees gathered together in learning and fellowship. The theme of the conference was “Now What? Ministering to the Social and Emotional Challenges Facing Children and Families Today,” with Rev. Mark Dressler, Principal at SML Christian Academy in Stony Plain, leading the sessions. Rev. Dressler spoke about the younger generations, their traits, and some of the challenges that are facing those generations today. The final sessions titled “Now What?” focused on how the information could be applied in the attendees’ contexts.

In addition to a topical focus, the attendees spent dedicated time learning from God’s Word. This year, the Sabbath Conference was grateful to have Lutheran Church–Canada President Timothy Teuscher lead an opening chapel service and the Bible study sessions, guiding the attendees through the book of Malachi.

Another important component of the Sabbath Conference is being in fellowship with one another. This fellowship happened through icebreaker questions prior to each session, meals together, free time and evening fun, a highlight of which was playing Happy Salmon with the Synod President. The planning committee was grateful to have four first-time attendees join the conference this year, and as well as for the ability to spend time getting to know the students at Concordia Lutheran Seminary.

The conference was held both online and in-person, thanks to the generous offer of meeting space and technology from Concordia Lutheran Seminary. The ability to use this platform enabled the group to welcome three online participants, as well as receive greetings from Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary. The conference also had representation from LAMP, LHM/LLL-Canada, and the National Youth Gathering committee. 

The planning committee is extremely grateful for the support of synod and the synod family, and looks forward to the next conference in 2025. If you are a non-pastoral church worker or volunteer and would be interested in learning more about the Sabbath Conference, or joining our email list, please contact sabbathconference@gmail.com. 

Samantha Neeb for the Sabbath Planning Committee


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: August 28, 2024
Posted In: General, Headline, West Region News,