New LCC missionary pastor to serve Oromo Christians in B.C.

Left to right: Revs. Wayne Zhang, James Paulgaard, Greg Johnson, Jacob Quast, Dr. Leonardo Neitzel, Megersa Denu, Robert Mohns, Brian Falkenholt, Gizaw Chuta, Mark Chiang, and Ephram Gemta.

SURREY, B.C. – In early September 2024, the Oromo Lutheran Fellowship—which currently worships at Faith Lutheran Church in Surrey—celebrated its third anniversary. After beginning with just a couple of families, this group of believers has grown to more than 80, including many children.

Not much later, on September 15, the Oromo community celebrated the installation of Rev. Megersa Denu—who recently completed Lutheran Church – Canada’s (LCC) colloquy program—as a Missionary at Large to the Oromo community in lower-mainland B.C.

Rev. Denu is married and has three children. He is eager to take up his new post, and both he and his congregation are overjoyed at the welcome and support they have received from LCC. Indeed, there are hopes that this Oromo Lutheran Fellowship will be able to become a rostered congregation of LCC, to be received into full membership at the next Synodical Convention in Winnipeg in 2026. Under Rev. Denu’s leadership, this group of devout and faithful Christians regularly share the Gospel with Muslims and other people on the streets of greater Vancouver. The Lord is blessing their work.

Many pastors took part in the September 15 installation service. LCC’s West Regional Pastor Robert Mohns served as liturgist, and Rev. Jacob Quast, LCC’s Director of Domestic Missions, served as preacher. Revs. Greg Johnson (Mt. Calvary, New Westminster), Ephram Gemta (Oromo Evangelical Church of Calgary), and Gizaw Chuta (Oromo Evangelical Church of Calgary) served as lectors. Also participating in the rite of installation were: Revs. Wayne Zhang (Trinity/Faith Lutheran Churches, Richmond/Surrey), James Paulgaard (Walnut Grove, Langley), Dr. Leonardo Neitzel (vacancy pastor of Faith, Surrey), Brian Falkenholt (Trinity, Richmond), and Mark Chiang (Killarney Community, Vancouver). 

Following the service, refreshments were served and enjoyed by all. It was a tremendous time of rejoicing in the Lord, who has provided a worker for the harvest field. Due to immigration, the opportunity for outreach to Oromo people in Canada has increased dramatically. There are Oromo groups all across Canada: in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Regina, Winnipeg, Toronto, Halifax, and beyond.

LCC’s outreach to Oromo Christians is leading to new opportunities for mission work abroad too. LCC is currently exploring opportunities to expand mission work into Israel where more than 300,000 Oromo migrants have settled.

“God continues to create opportunities for LCC to extend the proclamation of the Gospel here in Canada as well as internationally,” said Rev. Quast, LCC’s Director of Domestic Missions. “Let us give thanks and praise to God for His manifold blessing that is bearing such abundant fruit!”


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: October 16, 2024
Posted In: General, Headline, Mission News,