Breakfast Bible Study: Feasting on the Word of God
PETERSBURG, Ont. – More than ten years ago, Rev. Richard Orlowski wanted to start a monthly Saturday morning men’s breakfast and Bible Study. The idea received minimal support until the church ladies suggested he combine it with cooking classes, as he had done several meals for various events.
Rev. Orlowski agreed to do one event each for the ladies and for the men called “Come and Get It.” People would come to be fed physically with a great meal and spiritually with the Word of God. The two sides united so that men and women met together, and it has been a success ever since, drawing up to 15 people from an average Sunday attendance of 30.
Rev. Orlowski supplies the recipe and the ingredients as well as directions, but attendees do the work. Three hours later, the meal is eaten, clean-up is finished, and the study is done too. One day it may mean preparing a casserole and putting it in the oven and having Bible study while it bakes. Another day it may be Bible Study first and then a stove-top meal afterwards. The church only has one stove, so it is nothing fancy, but the pastor tries to plan meals that the attendees may not know about—for example, one recent meal was “Rustic Chicken Mushroom Stew.”
Rev. Richard Orlowski