Lutheran aid workers help prevent further cholera outbreak in Haiti

Babies are some of the most vulnerable for cholera

Babies are some of the most vulnerable for cholera

 HAITI – The Ministry of Health has confirmed the cholera outbreak in the Departement of Artibonite and the Central Plateau. More than 3,000 persons were hospitalized and 253 have died. Doctors in Port-au-Prince diagnosed five cases, all had travelled from the Artibonite. The government ministry is starting a public campaign to prevent further spread.

All ACT members, including Lutheran World Federation (LWF), supported through Canadian Lutheran World Relief, are taking prevention measures through information sharing with staff, partners and beneficiary communities and the distribution of hygiene kits and aquatabs in refugee camps.

 LWF mobilized camp committees and posted awareness-raising materials in the five Nerette camps in Petion-Ville on Saturday to prevent more outbreaks. Additional materials are currently being obtained to enrich hygiene packages. Distribution to the 5,000 people in the camps started Sunday for the most vulnerable parts, and will continue Tuesday and Thursday.

“We can have great confidence in the relief work in Haiti coordinated by CLWR’s LWF partner,” said Dr. Leonardo Neitzel, LCC’s mission executive who recently returned from the earthquake relief zone. “The earthquake destroyed much of the country’s infrastructure, including water and sanitation systems and reconstruction is taking a long time.”

Kits include chlorine, aquatabs, buckets with lids, and jerry cans. Signs in the camps provide information about the need for the kits as well as how to use the contents.  

Based on a report from ACTAlliance

Posted By: Matthew Block
Posted On: October 26, 2010
Posted In: International News,