Heartfelt gifts for LCC overseas partners

President Bugbee receives a cheque for $6500 from CLWR Executive Director Robert Granke

Over the past year, Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR), through its Gifts from the Heart catalogue, raised financial support for Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) projects overseas.

During a meeting March 22 in Winnipeg, CLWR Executive Director Robert Granke presented a cheque for $6500 to President Robert Bugbee. The funds represented gifts made toward specific LCC projects through the catalogue. These include the health clinic in Nicaragua, Christmas hampers for ILSN church workers and the Nicaraguan children’s education program.

In accepting the cheque President Bugbee expressed his deep appreciation for CLWR’s ongoing support of LCC’s overseas work. “We consider you a vital part of the Lord’s mission especially in the unique way your work compliments ours,” he said.

CLWR reported a significant growth in its Gifts from the Heart program especially from Lutheran Church–Canada donors. The catalog was distributed in the fall through The Canadian Lutheran. Gifts from the Heart allows donors to earmark their donations toward specific projects. Both Lutheran Church–Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada identify projects needing support and CLWR prints two editions of the Gifts from the Heart catalogue for each church body. Last year, more than 4,500 people responded to the program.

Canadian Lutheran World Relief conducts emergency relief, development and refugee resettlement for Lutheran churches in Canada. It celebrated its 65th anniversary March 14. Learn more about Canadian Lutheran World Relief at www.clwr.org

Posted By: Matthew Block
Posted On: March 23, 2011
Posted In: Headline, International News,