Joint meeting proves fruitful for Lutheran Women

President Kay Kreklau (LWML ) and President Judy Grande (LWML-C)

On March 14-15 four of the officers and a counsellor of LWML–Canada (LWML–C) met in Winnipeg with three officers of LWML (U.S.) to share information and ideas. On the second day additional officers and counsellors of LWML were able to participate in the discussion via the online program WebEx. This joint meeting was planned in conjunction with a regularly scheduled LWML–Canada General Council meeting. 

The leaders of the two organizations compared notes in areas of similar programming and also discussed the additional vice-presidents and committees that LWML (a much larger organization) has established since LWML–C formed its own organization. Effective use of the Internet was also on the agenda, not only in discussing ways in which it can be relevant to programming but also its use for meetings. Leaders from LWML–Canada had the opportunity to experience online meetings first-hand as three leaders and two counsellors from LWML attended the meeting online from their homes in various locations in the United States. The group also took a brief look at the partnership agreement originally signed by the two organizations at the founding convention of LWML–Canada in 1993. 

Participating in this joint meeting from LWML–Canada were Judy Grande, President; Arlene Kish, Vice-President, Member Development; Iris Barta, Vice-President, Christian Mission; Marion Hollinger, Vice-President, Communication; Rev. Mark Hennig, Pastoral Counsellor. From LWML: Kay Kreklau, President; Marilyn McClure, Vice-President, Gospel Outreach; and Linda Arnold, Vice-President, Communication. The following participated via WebEx: Carolyn Blum, Vice-President, Organizational Resources; Shari Miller, Planner; Edie Norris, Public Relations; Rev. John Heckmann, Junior Pastoral Counsellor; and Rev. Kristopher Whitby, Senior Pastoral Counsellor.

Posted By: Matthew Block
Posted On: March 23, 2012
Posted In: Headline, Mission News, National News,