LWMLC elects new president

President Iris Barta

At its triennial convention in Kelowna this past weekend, Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada (LWMLC) elected Iris Barta as its new president. President Barta previously served LWMLC as Vice-President of Christian Mission.

She takes over from Judy Grande, who did not seek re-election at this convention. In her report to the convention, President Grande thanked LWMLC for giving her the opportunity to serve over the past two trienniums. “Thank you again,” she said, “for your faithfulness, for your prayers, for allowing me to serve these last six years as your president. It’s been a joy.” She expressed her trust that God will continue to lead LWMLC in all its future endeavours. “He will guide us as we plan goals and activities to fulfill our mission,” she said, “to grow in God’s Word, serve God’s people, and share God’s Son.”

As her last action as president, President Grande invited Iris Barta and former LWMLC presidents Eloise Schaan and Marilyn Schultz to the stage. She expressed her desire that the three former presidents of LWMLC would ever be a resource to President Barta:  “I hope and pray that the three of us can continue to offer support and our deepest prayers for our new president.”

“I am deeply humbled to add my name to the list of names [who have served LWMLC as president],” President Barta said. “It is only with the help of God that I will be able to follow in their example of faith and excellence for our society.”

She thanked the delegates for their trust in electing her, asking them to remember LWMLC in their prayers. “I would ask you to pray for me, pray for your general council, pray for our league.”

During its 2012 convention, LWMLC committed to raising $130,000 for various mission projects: $35,000 to the LWMLC’s interim mission fund; $10,000 to support Rev. D.J. Kim, Missionary-at-large, Lutheran Church–Central District; $15,000 for sewing schools in Nicaragua; $9,000 to support deaconess evangelists in Nicaragua; $12,000 to support Camp Lutherland, Saskatchewan; $5,000 to support social outreach programs at Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Etobicoke, Ontario; $16,000 to support Concordia Seminary in Ukraine; $6,000 for evangelist support in Thailand; and $22,000 to support deaconess evangelists in Cambodia.

Also elected for the new triennium were Roberta Nixon (Vice-President, Christian Growth), Fran Porteous (Vice-President, Christian Mission), Gail Mitchell (Vice-President, Communication), Lorraine Kaija (Vice-President, Member Development), Pat Maki (Recording Secretary), Rachel Kuhl (Financial Secretary), and Linda Horton (Treasurer).

Posted By: Matthew Block
Posted On: July 10, 2012
Posted In: Headline, National News,