Dr. Gimbel accepts call to serve as CLS President


Rev. Dr. James Gimbel

EDMONTON – Concordia Lutheran Seminary has announced that Rev. Dr. James Gimbel has accepted the call to serve as the seminary’s President, with plans to begin in January 2014.

“I have completed deliberating on the Call,” Dr. Gimbel wrote in an email to staff and faculty at the seminary, “and after serious conversations, prayer, and fasting, I strongly believe that God is leading me to accept the call you have extended for me to serve Concordia Lutheran Seminary as President.”

“Thank you for your conversations and prayers,” he continued, “and I look forward to further partnership in the Gospel.”

Dr. Gimbel has served as a professor at Concordia University, St. Paul, Minnesota, since 2002, where he has done extensive work in leadership and management. Prior to that he was a senior editor of youth, family, and Sunday School materials for Concordia Publishing House in St. Louis. In addition to these areas of service to the church-at-large, he was a parish pastor in North Dakota in the early years of his ministry, and has worked virtually non-stop in assisting congregations, district, and educational institutions to carry out self-studies and in conflict resolution.

A native of Iowa, Dr. Gimbel spent his formative years in Minnesota, and received his pastoral training at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. He was awarded a Ph.D. in 2002 from Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He is married to Jill (née Rosenwinkel), and God has blessed them with three (now adult) children: Andy, Abby, and Joanna.


Posted By: Matthew Block
Posted On: November 12, 2013
Posted In: Education News, Headline,