A Fun Reformation: Celebrating with Lego, Playmobil, Plushies, and More

Playmobil’s popular Martin Luther figurine.
CANADA – With 2017 well underway, Lutherans across the world are preparing to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. That can be a lot of work. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun doing it! Here are a few items to help you keep the fun in your own Reformation observances.
In 2015, German toy company Playmobil introduced a figurine of Martin Luther. The toy, which comes with a quill and a Bible, quickly became the fastest selling Playmobil toy ever, selling out its first 34,000 production run in less than 72 hours. That popularity caught Playmobil off guard, but it shouldn’t surprise the millions of Lutherans around the world. After all, who wouldn’t want a little Luther taking a stand on their own book shelf?
The figure was difficult to come by in North America for several months after its introduction, but the Bible Society of Montreal currently carries the item for $9.95 CAD (with free shipping on orders of 20 or more). You can also order the Playmobil Luther from Concordia Publishing House in the United States.

Martin Luther plushy from Reformation Gear.
If you’re looking for something a little more cuddly, you might be interested in the Martin Luther plushy. Recently released by Reformation Gear, the 10-inch plushy can stand on his own, and comes with a Bible, as well as Luther’s Morning and Evening Prayers. Reformation Gear is affiliated with Lutheran Hour Ministries, and a portion of all proceeds goes to support Gospel proclamation and humanitarian efforts around the world.
Sadly, the plush figure isn’t available for shipping to Canada yet, but maybe an American friend can pick one up for you? It’s $25 USD direct from ReformationGear.com as well as from Amazon.com.

Luther’s Rose in Lego.
But maybe you’re looking for something that more directly fosters group fun. In that case, you might want to try your hand at building a Lego mosaic of Luther’s Rose. Engage your whole church family and community in a fun Reformation event. “This could even be made into a community outreach event,” notes Rev. Ron Mohr, Mission Encourager of Lutheran Church–Canada’s East District. “ Get permission to set up the project in a local mall. Invite passersby to put a square of the mosaic together. Have handouts available that explain Luther’s Seal, its message of Law and Gospel, sin and grace, and that give information about your congregation.”
The design was developed by Mike Ripley and Suzanne Eaton of Massachusetts, and they have made instructions and template files a free download here. You can watch a video of the mosaic’s creation here. Those interested in helping to put together a loanable Canadian kit of lego for building the mosaic are encouraged to contact Rev. Ron Mohr at rmohr@lcceast.ca.

Luther’s Rose snowflake.
If Lego isn’t your thing though, you can always make a Luther Rose paper snowflake. Designed by Kelly Klages of Morden, Manitoba, the Luther snowflake is a fun way to commemorate the Reformation at home. All you need is paper, a pencil, and a pair of scissors. Get the instructions here. The project is provided free of charge for individual use. If you’d like to use the project for a large group, class, Vacation Bible School, Kelly asks you to contact her at kellyklages@mymts.net for permission.
These are just a few of the ways you and your congregation might inject a little fun into your Reformation commemorations. What way will you choose?