A new Lutheran mission among the Shan People in Thailand

TCLC leaders meet with Rev. Niran Temsakun and a member of the Shan community to learn more about the new mission.
THAILAND – In the northern reaches of Thailand, nestled among the mountains of Chiang Mai, a remarkable new mission has taken root among the Shan people. Supported by Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) and carried out by faithful workers of Thailand Concordia Lutheran Church (TCLC), this mission is a living testimony to the performative and transformative power of the Gospel.
The Shan people, a largely unreached ethnic group in Southeast Asia, face unique cultural and spiritual challenges. Many Shan individuals have migrated to northern Thailand from Myanmar in search of economic opportunities, often living on the margins of society.
Rev. Niran Temsakun, Senior Pastor of TCLC in northern Thailand, and his evangelism team have demonstrated extraordinary faithfulness and dedication in their outreach to the Shan community in and around Chiang Mai. With hearts full of Christ’s love, they have embraced the Shan people, many of whom face significant challenges as migrant workers in Thailand. Through personal connections, catechesis, and pastoral care, they have brought the Gospel to those who had not yet heard it, offering the hope and peace that comes only in Christ Jesus. Their ministry is grounded in the clear teaching of God’s holy Word, with the Small Catechism serving as a key tool for sharing the foundational truths of the faith.
Rev. Niran reflects on the progress of this mission with a heart full of thanksgiving: “Thank God for the ministry among the Shan brothers and sisters, which has begun with His love. We have started teaching the Small Catechism from Dr. Martin Luther to everyone the Lord has connected us with, fostering learning and spiritual growth. Praise the Lord for all those who have responded so positively to the Gospel.”
Rev. Niran and his team’s tireless efforts in instructing and relationship-building are fostering a growing community of believers among the Shan people, pointing to the transformative power of the Gospel and the faithfulness of God in His mission to all nations. With support from LCC, this new mission is expanding its efforts to include regular worship services and works of mercy for the Shan community.
May this work among the Shan people inspire Lutherans everywhere to hold fast to the Word of God, trusting in the promise that His Word will not return empty (Isaiah 55:11).
As the Shan brothers and sisters grow in the knowledge of their faith, they are not only embracing the truth of the Gospel but are also being equipped to share it. One gifted individual from this young mission, brother Rapeepan, has enrolled in the Luther Institute-Thailand to receive more formal theological education in order to be better equipped to share the Gospel with his community. As we see in this man and others from the community, the transformative nature of the Gospel means that this mission is not a one-way street. The same Word that the Holy Spirit has worked in their lives will soon flow through them to others, extending the reach of God’s Church in northern Thailand and beyond.
The establishment of this mission in Chiang Mai reminds us of the power and promise of God’s Word. The Gospel is not only being taught but is actively at work, creating faith, transforming lives, and building the Church among the Shan people. As Rev. Temsakun says, we praise the Lord for this ministry, which has indeed “begun with His love.”
May this work among the Shan people inspire Lutherans everywhere to hold fast to the Word of God, trusting in the promise that His Word will not return empty (Isaiah 55:11).