ABC District LWML-C holds 32nd convention

CALGARY, Alt. – The 32nd convention of the ABC District of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League – Canada took place in Calgary on June 20-22, 2019. District President Linda Horton reported that “the Convention was a success and fulfilled the needs of many, which is due to a lot of hard working, dedicated and gifted team players, forming one body.”

An ingathering supported the Children’s cottage, a crisis child centre in Calgary, and the event included a banquet dinner, a convention choir, a town hall forum, the distribution of mission grants to seven different projects, a mission walk, and several intersession presentations on various topics. Rev. Joseph Nhial presented on the Pastors with Alternate Training (PAT) program, retired Mountie Dan Oystryk spoke about post-traumatic stress disorder, and Dr. Leah Koetting presented on a Christian perspective on Medical Assistance in Dying.

The District has announced that the 33rd convention will be hosted by the Parkland Zone (central Alberta) in the summer of 2022.


Adapted from the LWMLC ABC District newsletter

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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: August 21, 2019
Posted In: Headline, Mission News, West Region News,