Annual Call for CLTS Award Nominations

CLTS Call Service 2013

ST. CATHARINES, Ont. – Each May at the annual Call Service Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary has the opportunity to confer two major awards on worthy pastors or lay members of Lutheran Church–Canada.

The recipient of the Friend of the Seminary award is nominated by the faculty or Board of Regents for making a significant contribution to the well-being of the seminary.

The Delta Chi Medal, by contrast, is awarded by the seminary on behalf of the wider church. This “highest and most distinguished award” is “presented to an individual, either clergy or lay, whose life exemplifies service to Christ in his/her everyday living and vocation.” In nominating, one should consider the person’s service to the local congregation, the community, the synodical district, the church at large, church service organisations, and educational institutions. Delta Chi refers to the initials of the Greek expression διάκονος χριστοῦ “servant of Christ”.

Anyone in LCC may nominate a candidate for the Delta Chi award. No current faculty or board member is eligible. Please submit your nomination in writing to the seminary or via e-mail to The deadline for nominations is January 10, 2019.

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Posted By: canluth
Posted On: December 13, 2018
Posted In: Education News, Feature Stories, Headline,