The Canadian Lutheran Posts

October 30, 2020

Deacon publishes devotional book

SARNIA, Ont. – Dcn. Brenda Ryan, a former Director of Parish Services, recently published a book, Journey through the Bible, to guide readers through the entire Bible in 406 days. Self-published through Friessenpress, the launch was held at her home congregation, Redeemer Lutheran Church in…

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October 27, 2020

The Canadian Lutheran celebrates 50 issues with editor, Mathew Block!

CANADA – This September/October 2020 issue of The Canadian Lutheran magazine marks the 50th issue of the magazine to be published under the editorship of Mathew Block. Block has a long history of communications work for Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) and Confessional Lutheran church bodies worldwide….

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October 26, 2020

The Enduring Word: Lutherans & Bible Translation

by Mathew Block “The Word of the Lord endures forever.” That phrase, drawn from Scripture, was the rallying cry of the early Reformation. “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God will stand forever” (Isaiah 40:8). And again: “The grass withers,…

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October 23, 2020

The Paradox of Christian Faith and Life

  by Timothy Teuscher The word ‘paradox’ refers to a statement that seems to be contradictory and yet is true.  For instance: “The more you learn, the more you realize how little you know.” And again: “The pursuit of happiness makes you unhappy.” Or further:…

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October 22, 2020

LCC holds first Special Convention

  NATIONAL – The first Special Convention of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) was held on Saturday, October 17 via Zoom with 77 voting delegates and 26 advisory delegates in attendance. LCC President Timothy Teuscher called the meeting to order and Vice-president Thomas Kruesel led the assembly…

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October 22, 2020

LCC central regional pastor discusses fear on KFUO radio’s The Coffee Hour

  WORLDWIDE – Rev. David Haberstock, Central Regional Pastor of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC), was a guest on KFUO radio’s morning program The Coffee Hour, joining hosts Sarah Gulseth and Andy Bates for a discussion on the topic of fear. This interview followed the publication of…

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