The Canadian Lutheran Posts

July 6, 2020

Not-So-Short-Term Missions!

by Robert C. Krestick Every once in a while, I encounter a person or even a brother in the Holy ministry who thinks that Team Zion’s yearly mission trips to Leon and surrounding areas in Nicaragua are not “real” mission trips because they are labeled…

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July 2, 2020

The Canadian Lutheran and the 2020 CCCA Awards

  CANADA – The Canadian Christian Communicators Association (formerly known as the Canadian Church Press) held its annual awards ceremony on June 29, 2020, and The Canadian Lutheran magazine took home four awards: First Place (From the Editor), Second Place (Magazine Features), Third Place (Media…

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June 30, 2020

Supporting Children’s Rehabilitation in Latvia

  LATVIA – The NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) National Support Element hosted a pancake breakfast in Camp Adazi on May 30, 2020. Thanks to the generosity, and generous appetites, of NATO troops from all sending nations, the event raised €1,655. The funds will go towards…

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June 30, 2020

Virtual vs In-Person: LCC communications team to host webinar called “Both/And”

  ONLINE – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC)’s Communications Team will be holding an online event on Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 4 p.m. PDT / 6 p.m. CDT / 7 p.m. EDT to facilitate discussion, and offer guidance, for LCC congregations looking to maintain some level…

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June 29, 2020

God’s Gift of Literature

by Mary J. Moerbe When my father read to me as a child, he gave me a great gift. As an educator, he knew he was shaping how my mind would receive and process language and imagery, and, as my dad, it was a bonding,…

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June 25, 2020

Canadian broadcast of The Lutheran Hour this Sunday to include Canada Day message from Rev. Scott Gamble

  CANADA – This Sunday June 28, 2020, on the Canadian broadcast of The Lutheran Hour, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) pastor, Rev. Scott Gamble, will be sharing a special message entitled “O Canada, Canada: A Love/Hate Relationship”. With Canada Day just around the corner, Gamble’s message…

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