The Canadian Lutheran Posts

May 25, 2020

Prayers requested for Nicaragua amid pandemic

by Olga Groh NICARAGUA – The pastors and deaconesses have informed us of the exponential increase in potential cases of COVID-19, occurring over the past few weeks in Nicaragua. Though the official government numbers in Nicaragua show a low number of cases – with 7…

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May 22, 2020

A Letter from LCC’s President to Our Pastors: The question of how and when to reopen churches

May 21, 2020 The Ascension of Our Lord Dear Brothers and Fellow Workers in the Gospel, ‘When and how should our churches reopen?’ That is the question that I have been asked in one form or another from many of you in light of COVID-19…

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May 22, 2020

The Forgotten Festival

by Timothy Teuscher The forgotten festival of the church year, The Ascension of Our Lord, took place this year on May 21, 2020. I say “forgotten” because, in spite of the fact that Jesus’ ascension rates a line in all three of the ecumenical creeds,…

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May 19, 2020

Letter from the PMC regarding resources to support pastor and worker wellness

May 8, 2020 To: LCC Circuit Counsellors From: President’s Ministry Council (PMC) Re: Resources to Support Pastor and Worker Wellness Dear Co-Workers in Christ, Pastors are well acquainted with the spiritual care resources available to provide for the well-being, comfort and strength of themselves and…

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May 19, 2020

A Letter from LCC’s President to Our Pastors

May 4, 2020 Dear Brothers and Fellow Workers in the Gospel, “The mutual conversation and consolation of brethren” (SA, Part III, Article IV); so I concluded my previous letter of April 21 with that quote from the Smalcald Articles. What I want to share with…

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May 14, 2020

Moments of Crisis in Nicaragua

by Odily Neyra Friday, May 8, 2020 May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with each of our Lutheran brothers and sisters in Canada. My name is Odily Neyra. I am a wife and the mother to three beautiful children. I…

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