The Canadian Lutheran Posts
So Great a Cloud of Witnesses
by Robert Mohns The West Region of Lutheran Church–Canada is composed of 115 congregations, with roughly 30 (about 25 percent) vacant. About half of those are in the process of calling a pastor; the other half are, for various reasons, not calling. In an average…
Share Gifts from the Heart with CLWR
CANADA – Each year, Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR)’s annual Gifts from the Heart fundraiser makes a difference in the lives of people the world over. Members of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) members are invited to join in that work this Christmas with an online gift….
CLS issues call for new president
UPDATE: Dr. Kloha has declined the call to serve as president of CLS. EDMONTON – Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS) has issued a call to Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Kloha to serve as the seminary’s new president. Dr. Kloha served as Chief Curatorial Officer with the Museum…
Rev. Dr. Edwin Lehman, LCC’s first synodical president, called to glory
CANADA – Rev. Dr. Edwin Lehman, President Emeritus of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC), was called to glory during the morning of December 5, 2024. He was 92 years old. Dr. Lehman was the first synodical president of Lutheran Church–Canada, elected to lead the newly-autonomous church during…
Last Things First
by Mathew Block In the weeks leading up to Christmas, the church observes Advent. In this season, we remember the waiting of God’s people in anticipation of the first coming of the Son of God in His incarnation. And we also look forward with hope…
Nominations for seminary awards due soon
CANADA – Each year, Lutheran Church–Canada’s two seminaries present honorary awards to those who have made a difference in the life of the seminary and the church at large. Nominations for awards at both seminaries are due in January 2025. See the details below: Concordia…