The Canadian Lutheran Posts

November 8, 2019

An Outsider Visits a Lutheran Church…

ONLINE – What happens when an outsider visits a Lutheran church? That’s the subject of a new video by Matt Whitman of The Ten Minute Bible Hour which is racking up the views on YouTube. Whitman visited St. Paul Lutheran Church in Hamel, Illinois, a…

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November 7, 2019

Support CLWR with Gifts from the Heart

CANADA – Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) has launched its annual Gifts from the Heart fundraiser, and Lutheran Church–Canada members are invited to give. “Your Gifts from the Heart share God’s love with the world and make a meaningful difference in people’s lives,” writes CLWR…

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November 1, 2019

The Comfort of the Communion of Saints

by Robert Mohns A couple of years ago I had the great blessing of walking along the Napoleon route of the Camino Santiago de Compostela in the northern Iberian Peninsula of Spain. One day in a local church, I made the observation that I had…

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October 31, 2019

1519: The Gospel Breakthrough and the Leipzig Debate

by Mathew Block It was, perhaps, the year 1519 that was most important to the ultimate direction of the Reformation—for it was only in this year that Martin Luther truly came to understand the good news of the Gospel, according to his own reckoning. Luther…

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October 30, 2019


by David Haberstock “It’s all falling apart. Attendance is down. My kids hardly come anymore. Our town is wasting away, and so is our church. For most people, belief seems to play second fiddle to the cares and concerns of life. I get so discouraged,…

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October 29, 2019

As Angels Do Above

by Timothy Teuscher On the last Sunday in September and October this year, there are two significant days on the church calendar: the festival of St. Michael and All Angels (September 29) and the observance of Reformation Day (transferred to October 27). The First Reading…

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