The Canadian Lutheran Posts
You Are Now Entering the Mission Field
by Timothy Teuscher Some of our congregations have a sign over the exit door of their church with these words inscribed: “You Are Now Entering the Mission Field.” But what exactly does this mean? The Table of Duties—that often overlooked third section of the Small…
Boards of Regents meet in Edmonton
EDMONTON – On February 4-5, 2020 the Boards of Regents from Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS), St. Catharines, and Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS), Edmonton, held their annual joint meeting at CLS. The two boards met together with reports given on each seminary by presidents Rev….
Canada Today: Understanding the Times
By Michael Schutz In our circles, we’re pretty good at dealing with God’s Word. We rightly focus on doing sound biblical exegesis, which is the task of interpreting the Bible based on what the Bible actually says. To do good biblical exegesis, we need to…
Celebrating French Ministry
Brazilian Lutheran Immigration Update: Bem-vindos ao Canada! MONTREAL – For decades, lay people and pastors from Brazil have been a part of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC), participating in church life at both the congregational and synodical levels. Several pastors from Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil (IELB)…
Singing in a Strange Land
By Mathew Block About six centuries before the birth of Christ, Jerusalem was conquered by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. The subsequent destruction of the Kingdom of Judah saw the palace sacked, the temple plundered, and 10,000 people taken prisoner to Babylon, including the young king Jehoiachin….
CLTS welcomes visiting scholar
ST. CATHARINES, Ont. – Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) has welcomed Rev. Dr. Werner Klän as a visiting scholar for the 2020 winter semester and spring short semester to teach courses on dogmatic theology. Dr. Klän recently retired from the faculty of Lutherische Theologische Hochschule…