The Canadian Lutheran Posts

October 16, 2019

What Can I Do?

by Marvin Bublitz I am in Nova Scotia as I write this. Hurricane Dorian passed over our heads a few days ago. By the time you read this, it will be long forgotten by most, except those who lived it and are still putting things…

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October 15, 2019

LCC issues new Compensation Guidelines for 2020

WINNIPEG – The Board of Directors of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) met by conference call on October 10, during which time it approved new Compensation Guidelines for 2020. The new guidelines represent the first Synod-wide compensation guidelines for Lutheran Church–Canada. While the guidelines are advisory in…

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October 10, 2019

New Compensation Guidelines forthcoming

WINNIPEG – The Board of Directors of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is meeting October 10, 2019 to review and approve new Compensation Guidelines for 2020. The new guidelines come after a significant amount of research and work by the Personnel Committee, and will represent the first…

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October 9, 2019

Praying for the upcoming election

CANADA – As Canada prepares for the upcoming federal election, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) President Timothy Teuscher is encouraging LCC members to remember government leaders in prayer. President Tesucher writes: “With the federal election taking place on October 21, it is fitting and proper, as St….

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October 8, 2019

The Conquered Foe

by Mathew Block In this issue, we consider in greater detail the supernatural world which exists just beyond our line of vision. In contemporary culture, it is common, even among Christians, to ignore the spiritual powers at work around us. And yet, Scripture is clear:…

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October 7, 2019

LCC website using new domain name

ONLINE – Users of Lutheran Church–Canada’s website may notice a minor change as LCC incorporates a new domain name to resolve an issue that caused a technical conflict between the website’s original domain name and the server used in the Winnipeg office. The Committee for…

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