The Canadian Lutheran Posts

April 23, 2018

Prayers for peace in Nicaragua answered

CHINANDEGA, Nicaragua – After almost a week of protests over social security tax increases and reduced pensions the Nicaraguan government reversed the new policy after conducting discussions with business leaders bringing about a fragile peace. The demonstrations in the capital city Managua, mostly by students,…

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April 20, 2018

Liturgy workshop inspires Nicaraguan church workers

CHINANDEGA, Nicaragua – For six days following Easter, 23 pastors and deaconesses, and a musician from the Lutheran Church Synod of Nicaragua (ILSN) gathered for a series of workshops on Lutheran liturgy and hymnology led by Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) pastors Rev. Dr. David Somers (de…

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April 19, 2018

An oasis of peace for neighbours in need

by Ted Giese In the Western world we imbue the word oasis with a kind of romanticism, however in the Middle East an oasis is more pragmatic. In a parched desert landscape it saves lives and provides valuable food, shelter, and replenishment. For Syrian refugees…

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April 17, 2018

In Review: God’s Not Dead: A Light in Darkness

Improved but could be better by Ted Giese In this installment of the God’s Not Dead franchise, first-time director Michael Mason takes over from Harold Cronk who directed the first two films and inevitably the new outing is different. God’s Not Dead: A Light in…

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April 16, 2018

Our Easter joy!

by Paul Zabel “Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life.” (Revelation 2:10) A number of years ago my father-in-law wove together a crown of thorns that I attached to a cross which was placed in the chancel of…

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April 13, 2018

Indigenous people and the Christian faith: A new way forward

by Bill Anderson So, I’m a white dude. Ironic, I know, given the title of the article. I really struggled with the appropriateness of me writing this piece. One indigenous friend said it was “okay” to do so but he did chuckle at the irony…

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