The Canadian Lutheran Posts

March 27, 2018

In Review: Paul, Apostle of Christ

Thoughtful exploration of mercy, forgiveness, and love by Ted Giese When watching Paul, Apostle of Christ (2018) viewers will be well served to remember St. Paul’s words to the early Corinthian Christians: “But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise;…

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March 22, 2018

Badly wrinkled adaptation

by Ted Giese A Wrinkle in Time (2018), directed by Ava DuVernay and adapted for the screen by Jennifer Lee (writer of Disney’s giant 2013 hit Frozen) and Jeff Stockwell (writer of the screenplay for Bridge to Terabithia) is loosely based on the 1962 young…

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March 16, 2018

Lutheran women to gather in Winnipeg

WINNIPEG – Lutheran women from across Canada will gather in Winnipeg July 5-8, 2018 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada (LWMLC). The Lutheran Church–Canada auxiliary organization encourages and equips Lutheran women to “grow in God’s Word; share God’s…

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March 14, 2018

Seeking nominations for new regional positions

WINNIPEG – Under Lutheran Church–Canada’s new structure the responsibility for nominations to national and regional positions, and the process by which people are elected falls to the newly-formed Commission on Nominations and Elections. The Synodical Convention elected seven persons to the commission in October 2017….

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March 12, 2018

Conference to explore relationship between indigenous peoples and the Christian faith

EDMONTON – At its annual conference The Canadian Centre for Scholarship and the Christian Faith, a think-tank headed by Lutheran Church–Canada pastor and Religious Studies professor Rev. Dr. Bill Anderson, will explore the theme “Indigenous People and the Christian Faith: A New Way Forward.” Scheduled…

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March 8, 2018

Reformation history series continues

EDMONTON – A Spring Quest course from Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Edmonton (CLS) taught by Dr. John Maxfield will continue tracing the development of the Reformation. Beginning Wednesday, April 11, the four-week course picks up the timeline after Luther’s dramatic confrontation with the emperor at the…

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