The Canadian Lutheran Posts

February 12, 2018

Do nothing!

by Timothy Teuscher When I was elected president, I mentioned to the convention that I wasn’t even sure what I was supposed to do. After receiving a crash-course on the many things that needed to be done, I went from being uncertain to being greatly…

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February 9, 2018

Situation for converted asylum seekers intensifies

BERLIN, Germany – The situation for former Muslim asylum seekers who have converted to Christianity has dramatically deteriorated in Berlin and Brandenburg reports Rev. Dr. Gottfried Martens pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Berlin-Steglitz. The pastor serves the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church (SELK) congregation which…

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February 8, 2018

Back to the Catechism: The Daily Prayers

by Edward Kettner This article reflects on the section of Luther’s Small Catechism dealing with the Daily Prayers. Read the relevant portion online in contemporary English here. Over the past year we looked at the six chief parts of the Catechism and have seen how…

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February 8, 2018

A Reformation unleashed

by John Stephenson The closing words of President Teuscher’s acceptance speech at last October’s synodical convention caught my attention at the time and have retained it since: “And may the Lord have mercy on our poor little Lutheran Church–Canada!” In the world of public relations,…

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February 7, 2018

Restructuring document updated

WINNIPEG – Following the December 14 publication of documents needed by congregations to ratify Lutheran Church–Canada’s new Constitution, two editorial errors were identified in the two-column comparison between the new and old constitutions and have been corrected. Both errors were noted at the convention and…

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February 7, 2018

Planned gifts benefit LCC constituents

WINNIPEG – Lutheran Foundation Canada (LFC) has released its annual report for 2017. The organization, which conducts gift planning activities on behalf of Lutheran Church-Canada (LCC) congregations and affiliated organizations, recorded $4.68 million in designated gifts of which $1.7 million was received throughout the year,…

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