The Canadian Lutheran Posts

January 11, 2018

LCC benefits and pension services building for the future

WINNIPEG – After serving Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) church workers since 1989, LCC Worker Benefit Plans became an independent corporation, LCC Worker Benefit Services Inc., on January 1, 2018. Adopting the new name and revising its internal governance does not change any group health benefits or…

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January 10, 2018

New executive director for CLWR

WINNIPEG — The Board of Directors of Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) announced the appointment of Rev. Dr. Karin Achtelstetter as CLWR’s incoming Executive Director. She will begin her service February 5, 2018 allowing a six-week overlap with retiring Executive Director Robert Granke. Outgoing Lutheran Church–Canada…

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January 10, 2018

Government employment program accused of discrimination

OTTAWA – Changes to a popular Government of Canada employment grant program are causing controversy within faith-based organizations. The Trudeau government has changed the guidelines for the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program. Organizations that apply for funding to employ a student over the summer months…

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January 9, 2018

LCC President sends farewell letter to Synod

WINNIPEG – In his final communication with members of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) President Robert Bugbee expresses his thanks to God for the almost ten years he spent serving the Canadian church. “For anything I was able to do or say that ended up building Christ’s kingdom…

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January 9, 2018

New book: Atheism and the Christian Faith

EDMONTON – Rev. Dr. Bill Anderson, Professor of Religious Studies at Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE), is pleased to announce the publication of his third book, Atheism and the Christian Faith. Dr. Anderson is a pastor on the roster of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC). Atheism and the…

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January 8, 2018

Canadians can apply for financial support at US Concordia

Ann Arbor, MI – Lutheran students from Canada heading to university or college are eligible to apply for two student assistance programs at Concordia University, Ann Arbor according to Rev. Charles Schulz, Pre-seminary Director at the LCMS institution. One is the Luther Promise. It awards…

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