The Canadian Lutheran Posts

October 18, 2017

2017 Mission Newsletter released

ONLINE – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) has released the 2017 edition of its annual Mission Newsletter. “The 2017 Mission Newsletter presents just a few snapshots of what the Lord Jesus has accomplished in the lives of people through the missions and social ministry of Lutheran Church–Canada…

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October 17, 2017

LCC Convention Votes to Restructure

KITCHENER, Ontario – Lutheran Church-Canada has voted at the 2017 synodical convention in Kitchener, Ontario to restructure the church body, accepting changes to the church’s statutory bylaws, constitution, and synodical bylaws. The Convention adopted Resolution 17.1.01 “To Adopt the Proposed Changes to the Statutory Bylaws…

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October 16, 2017

President Elect addresses convention

KITCHENER, Ontario – Rev. Timothy Teuscher gave his first address as President Elect to the convention of Lutheran Church–Canada on October 15. He began by noting advice the late Rev. Dr. Albin Stanfel, then President of the Ontario District, had given him as a young…

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October 15, 2017

LCC Declares Fellowship with Finnish Lutherans

CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada has declared altar and pulpit fellowship with the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland. The action was taken during LCC’s synodical convention meeting in Kitchener, Ontario, and was adopted unanimously. It comes following discussions between representatives of the two church bodies…

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October 14, 2017

Lutheran Church–Canada elects a new president

KITCHENER, Ontario – On October 14, 2017 Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) elected Rev. Timothy Teuscher as synodical president. The vote came during the second day of LCC’s 2017 synodical convention being held in Kitchener, Ontario. Rev. Teuscher currently serves as First Vice President of the East…

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October 14, 2017

Convention 2017: Opening Worship Service draws hundreds

KITCHENER, Ontario – Approximately 335 people gathered October 13, 2017 at Historic St. Paul’s Lutheran Church for the opening worship service of Lutheran Church–Canada’s eleventh synodical convention in Kitchener, Ontario. Attendees of the divine service filled the pews and overflowed into the gymnasium of the…

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