The Canadian Lutheran Posts

June 22, 2017

LCC releases financial analysis of restructured synod

CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) has released a financial analysis explaining the proposed budget for the church in the event it adopts the restructuring plan proposed by LCC’s Commission for Constitutional Matters and Structure (CCMS). The analysis, prepared by LCC’s Treasurer Dwayne Cleave, predicts a…

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June 22, 2017

Order in the Church

by Timothy Teuscher Everything in the Christian church is so ordered that we may daily obtain full forgiveness of sins through the Word and through signs (i.e., the Sacraments) appointed to comfort and revive our consciences as long as we live. These words from Luther’s…

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June 20, 2017

Regional Restructuring Convocation Poll Results

CANADA – During the recent regional convocations on LCC Restructuring the presenters conducted an informal “straw” poll to gauge the response to the recommendations.* 1.  An initial response to the 2017 LCC Act and Bylaws. This is not an official vote, since the Bylaws may…

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June 20, 2017

Regina chaplain featured on CBC’s “Keeping Canada Safe”

REGINA – The series, “Keeping Canada Safe” has begun on CBC. The purpose is to capture intimate and dramatic behind-the-scenes stories of the everyday heroes who keep our country secure—from first responders and professionals who do important work of which we often are not aware,…

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June 16, 2017

God’s not-so-secret agents!

by Glenn E. Schaeffer There was nothing secretive about Pentecost. Sounds of violent wind filled the house—a sign that the Spirit of the Lord was among them. Visible flames of fire rested on their heads fulfilling John the Baptist’s prophecy that Jesus would baptize with…

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June 15, 2017

Government of Canada to match donations for famine relief

CANADA – At the end of May, the Government of Canada announced that for every eligible donation made by individual Canadians to registered Canadian charities between March 17 and June 30, 2017, it will contribute an equivalent amount to the Famine Relief Fund. More than…

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