The Canadian Lutheran Posts

May 17, 2017

The Promise: A lesson from the past for the future

by Ted Giese The Promise is a sweeping historical drama set in 1915 at the beginning of the Armenian Genocide at the hands of Turkey’s Ottoman Empire. The current Turkish government and its predecessors publicly deny this holocaust took place. Viewers need to know that…

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May 15, 2017

Reformation 2017 Artwork: The Excommunication of Luther

Editor’s Note: Kelly Klages has agreed to prepare six pieces of original art for Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017. Each piece of art will be featured on the covers of this year’s issues of The Canadian Lutheran magazine….

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May 9, 2017

History of the Reformation: The Excommunication of Luther

by Mathew Block What began in 1517 as a theological argument over the nature of indulgences quickly kindled to far greater flame. By July 1519, Luther was publicly denying at the Leipzig Debate that the pope (or councils, for that matter) had authority to create…

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May 5, 2017

Winnipeg holds seminar on 500th anniversary of the Reformation

WINNIPEG – Rev. Dr. John R. Stephenson will be guest speaker at a 500th Reformation Seminar in Winnipeg this coming weekend. The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd is playing host to the event, which takes place May 7, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. Guests are…

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May 5, 2017

Urban Outreach Conference offers new ideas for mission

MISSISSAUGA, Ontario – On February 11, 45 people from 15 different congregations gathered to discuss outreach efforts in urban centres. Participants were encouraged to speak for 2-3 minutes about their congregation/ministry’s outreach efforts under the categories: small scale, neighbourhood, community service, regional, and social media…

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May 3, 2017

Luther’s Reformation: Yes, We Are Celebrating

by Robert Bugbee Down the years people have remembered Luther’s Reformation in countless ways. In some places, Lutheran Christians emphasized the virtues of Luther and his co-workers in a way that almost made it seem like we are “better people” than folks on the other…

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