The Canadian Lutheran Posts

March 27, 2017

LCC joins faith groups in seeking Ontario physicians’ “conscience rights” in assisted suicide and euthanasia

TORONTO – An open letter to Ontario’s 107 legislators from faith leaders, including the president of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) Rev. Dr. Robert Bugbee, asks the Members of Provincial Parliament (MPP) to amend Bill 84 (Medical Assistance in Dying Statute Law Amendment Act) to include the…

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March 24, 2017

Cambodian Lutherans continue work to register new church body

CAMBODIA – Work to build a new Lutheran church body in Cambodia continues apace. Church members in Cambodia applied to the government at the end of January to register anew church body under the name Cambodia Lutheran Church (CLC). Provincial authorities in Kompot gave their…

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March 22, 2017

Free “Here I Stand” poster exhibition

ONLINE – Recognizing that many people are not able to travel to visit Reformation museums and displays in 2017, four German museum organizations along with three American partners have worked together to produce a free Reformation-themed exhibition that anyone can download and print for free—or,…

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March 20, 2017

CLWR Executive Director to Retire

WINNIPEG, Manitoba – Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) has announced the forthcoming retirement of Robert Granke, Executive Director of the organization. Marcus Busch, President of the Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) Board of Directors, announced the news in a release March 16. Executive Director Granke…

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March 16, 2017

LCC President Bugbee recuperating following surgery

CONNECTICUT, U.S.A. – Lutheran Church–Canada members are encouraged to keep LCC President Robert Bugbee in prayer as he recuperates from recent surgery. President Bugbee had been visiting family in Connecticut while on vacation when he fell following a storm. This resulted in two fractures to…

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March 16, 2017

God’s special care

by Paul Zabel In one of the spare bedrooms of my parents’ home hangs a very beautiful and thought-provoking picture: an image of a guardian angel walking beside and hovering over a little boy and girl as they are crossing a footbridge over a ravine….

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