The Canadian Lutheran Posts

November 4, 2016

Richer at the End of Each and Every Day

by Paul Zabel “Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that has it: but the correction of fools is their folly. The heart of the wise instructs his mouth, and adds learning to his lips” (Proverbs 16: 22-23). Every Fall, thousands upon thousands of…

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November 3, 2016

CLWR Sunday 2016

CANADA – Hosting a CLWR Sunday is an excellent opportunity for Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) congregations to celebrate the international humanitarian work undertaken through Canadian Lutheran World Relief on behalf of Canadian Lutherans. The suggested theme for 2016 observances is “In Thanksgiving…” To make service planning…

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November 2, 2016

History is Bunk

by Norman J. Threinen “History is bunk.” So said Henry Ford in an interview recorded by the Chicago Tribune in 1916. Grade school students, who have been subjected to history as a bewildering collection of largely irrelevant dates which they were forced to memorize, may…

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November 1, 2016

Remembering the Persecuted Church in Prayer

  by James Morgan Being a Christian and going to church is a pretty easy thing for Canadians to do—but for people in many other parts of the world, these can be dangerous acts. Persecuted Christians in many places face intimidation by government authorities, discrimination…

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October 31, 2016

Bugenhagen: The Pastor

by Edward G. Kettner When the Reformation began in 1517, Martin Luther was not alone. A member of the faculty at the University of Wittenberg, he already had colleagues who supported him in his discovery of the Gospel. He certainly became prominent in the aftermath…

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October 28, 2016

God’s Word at Work

by Glenn E. Schaeffer The genius of Martin Luther was his recognition that there was only one way the Spirit of the Lord would reform, renew, and revive a lifeless, stagnant church and that was to get Jesus’ followers to read, study, inwardly digest, and…

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