The Canadian Lutheran Posts

July 20, 2016

CLS hosts weekend retreat for those interested in exploring the pastoral ministry

EDMONTON – From May 13-15, Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS – Edmonton) held a weekend retreat for young men interested in exploring the pastoral ministry. Six young men, mostly high school students, joined seminarians and faculty in sample classes in exegetical, systematic, historical, and practical theology….

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July 19, 2016

Popcorn-Film Faith and Independence Day: Resurgence

by Ted Giese When Independence Day was released twenty years ago it was clear that it was not a very serious movie. Neither is this year’s Independence Day: Resurgence. These are popcorn-summer-blockbuster films. As was the case for the first film, the producers have released…

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July 13, 2016

Anglican Church of Canada votes to allow same-sex marriage

CANADA – The Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) has voted to allow clergy to officiate over same-sex marriages, breaking with the Christian Church’s historic understanding of marriage down through the centuries and exacerbating tensions in a church body long polarized over the issue of human…

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July 12, 2016

Rapid Growth for Mozambique’s Lutherans

MOZAMBIQUE – Missions in Mozambique continue to bear fruit as the Lutheran Church of Concord in Mozambique (Igreja Luterana da Concórdia em Moçambique – ILCM) shares the good news of Jesus Christ. In August 2015, the ILCM celebrated the ordination of its first graduating class…

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July 11, 2016

Save Us From Self

by Robert Bugbee “My life. My death. My choice.” It was an internet comment posted recently following a news story on the topic of physician-assisted suicide. I don’t know who wrote it, but the author figured this was a trump-card he could throw on the…

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July 8, 2016

Good News to Proclaim!

by Arron Gust Recently the government of Canada passed bill C-384, a bill which allows Canadians the legal right to kill themselves. Interestingly, people on both sides of the issue remain upset. Those in support of physician-assisted suicide are upset because they feel the bill…

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