The Canadian Lutheran Posts

April 19, 2016

LCC Seminaries prepare for annual call service

CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada’s two seminaries are preparing for their annual call service, during which graduating pastors receive their first calls and vicars receive their placements. Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS – Edmonton) will hold its Sacred Convocation celebrating the completion of its 32nd academic year…

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April 18, 2016

CLTS extends call for Professor of Old Testament

CATHARINES, Ontario – Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS – St. Catharines, Ontario) has issued a call to Rev. Geoffrey Boyle to serve as Professor of Theology with a specialization in Old Testament. The call comes following interviews on April 2, 2016, conducted by CLTS’ President…

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April 15, 2016

The Young Messiah: A Messy Mix of Fiction

by Ted Giese The Young Messiah, an adaptation of Anne Rice’s 2005 novel Christ The Lord: Out Of Egypt, tells the story of a seven-year-old Jesus returning to the Holy Land following a time of exile in Egypt. Jesus, the Virgin Mary, Joseph, and their…

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April 13, 2016

Prepared for Good Works

by Mathew Block Faith transforms lives. The Scriptures tell us that those who believe in Jesus Christ begin to live differently. Those who have been given the Holy Spirit are empowered by Him to begin to live a new life, to strive to follow God…

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April 13, 2016

Envision Yourself: A High School Retreat

EDMONTON – Concordia Lutheran Seminary (Edmonton) is hosting a weekend retreat for high school aged students to come and spend a few days envisioning what it would be like to train to be a pastor in Lutheran Church–Canada. The retreat begins Friday, May 13 in…

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April 12, 2016

Such is our Easter joy!

by Thomas Prachar A pastor had just celebrated an early Easter morning service at one point of his dual parish, and was on his way now to conduct the service at his second congregation. Suddenly, his car gave a groan and a bang, finally coming…

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