The Canadian Lutheran Posts

March 14, 2016

LAMP calls for prayer for First Nation community rocked by youth suicide epidemic

CROSS LAKE, MANITOBA – Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots (LAMP) is encouraging Lutherans to pray for Cross Lake (Pimicikamak Cree Nation) as they struggle with a recent outbreak of youth suicides. From mid-December 2016 to mid-March 2016, six suicides (most of them youth) have…

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March 11, 2016

There is power in prayer!

by Paul Zabel “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God” (Philippians 4:6). Loneliness is often associated with the stillness and solitude of a quiet night when one is all…

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March 9, 2016

Johann von Staupitz

by Richard Beinert Tucked away in the pages of Reformation history lies the figure of Johann von Staupitz. He served as Martin Luther’s superior within the Augustinian Order and importantly also as his father confessor during the first decade of the 1500s. Even though he…

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March 7, 2016

Truth and Reconciliation in Canada

EDITOR’S NOTE: In 2008, the Government of Canada along with parties to the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement created the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada to respond to abuse and other negative impacts of the Indian residential school era. It completed its work in…

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March 4, 2016

Hail Caesar: A serious comedy in time for Lent

by Ted Giese On a storyline spectrum, Joel and Ethan Coen (aka the Coen Brothers) make films ranging from hard-boiled crime to whimsically quirky comedies. Their new film Hail Caesar! is firmly on the comedy side of things, although it leans toward their more serious…

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March 3, 2016

Some Good News

by Nolan Astley I had lunch in Edmonton recently with a friend who told me, “We really need to hear some good news.” He was referring to our church body, both at the national and district level and perhaps also to life in his congregation….

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