The Canadian Lutheran Posts

March 2, 2016

Family events encourage Nicaraguans

NICARAGUA – In November 2015, a mission team comprised of individuals from four congregations in the East District traveled throughout Nicaragua sponsoring “family events” in eight Lutheran Church Synod of Nicaragua (ILSN) churches. The concept had been tested in three churches in January 2015. With…

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March 1, 2016

Prodigal Sons and Daughters

by Kurt Lantz The little wisps of steam have ceased swirling around the cooling cups of coffee as moms corral their tots into winter coats and impatient teenagers drag their dawdling parents away with the rolling of their eyes. There are only a few left…

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February 26, 2016

Extension on survey for those participating online

ONLINE – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) has announced it is allowing an extension for those wishing to fill out the National Restructuring Survey online. “You may remember that the Commission on Constitutional Matters and Structure (CCMS) set this coming Monday, February 29, as the deadline for…

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February 25, 2016

LCC Seminaries Hold Joint Board of Regents Meeting

EDMONTON – The Boards of Regents of Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) in St. Catharines, Ontario, and Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS) in Edmonton met jointly February 2-3, 2016 at CLS’ campus in Edmonton. Significant time was devoted each day to board development (urged by the…

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February 24, 2016

LCC staff joins CLWR and ELCIC to resettle Syrian family in Winnipeg

Staff members from Lutheran Church–Canada joined with staff from Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) late Tuesday night at the Winnipeg International Airport to welcome a Syrian refugee family to Canada. The family’s arrival yesterday was a happy surprise…

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February 23, 2016

Confessional Lutherans and Anglicans Draw Closer Together

by Mathew Block Participants in the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), and Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) ongoing ecumenical dialogue have released an interim report on their work so far. Entitled “On Closer Acquaintance,” the document is the culmination of six…

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