The Canadian Lutheran Posts

February 22, 2016

A Reminder on the National Restructuring Survey

by William Ney We are now several weeks into the National Restructuring Survey and our consultant, Rev. Dr. Les Stahlke, has received and processed more than 1,000 responses. This is great! Over the rest of the month we hope to receive about 1,000 more responses….

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February 19, 2016

An open letter to members of LCC from the President of Concordia University of Edmonton

EDITOR’S NOTE: President Gerald S. Krispin of Concordia University of Edmonton has issued the following open letter to members of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC). It addresses the university’s recent decision to cease identifying as a Christian institution. President Krispin has released his letter to the church…

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February 19, 2016

Odessa church marks 20th anniversary, thanks God for LCC ties

UKRAINE – The Odessa congregation of the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches of Ukraine (SELCU) marked its 20th Anniversary on January 16 in a special celebration at Concordia Seminary, Usatovo, an Odessa suburb. A young pastor from Kazakhstan, Rev. Dr. Viktor Gräfenstein, moved to Odessa…

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February 17, 2016

Precious blood

by Thomas Prachar As a person who suffers from chronic sinus problems, I just happen to live in a part of the country (the Prairies) that is not kind to my condition. Especially in the winter when temperatures are most frigid, the air is very…

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February 12, 2016

LCC members called to pray for Zika Virus outbreak

WORLD – Lutheran Church–Canada member are encouraged to remember in prayer those countries currently suffering an outbreak of Zika virus. In Spring 2015, an outbreak of Zika virus was spotted in Brazil; it has since spread to much of South America, Central America, and the…

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February 11, 2016

Ukraine Seminary suffers fire

UKRAINE – On February 9, 2016 Concordia Seminary in Odessa, Ukraine was damaged after a fire broke out in the basement. The seminary is an institute of the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches of Ukraine (SELCU). Rev. Dr. Steve Chambers of Concordia Lutheran Seminary (Edmonton)…

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